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2020 END OF YEAR. We did it!…well, almost…

We did it!! Well, almost…

Did what, you ask? We got through 2020, and that, my friend, is quite an accomplishment. As we round the corner towards the end of this year that has been described as unprecedented more times than I can count, I want to pause to say THANK YOU for helping us not only survive, but truly thrive in 2020.

I know you have many options of which organization, church or ministry to support. So, it is with the utmost delight that I express our deep gratitude for your decision to partner with Women in the Window. More than 4,000 women received emotional, physical, and spiritual resources that have truly transformed their lives and the lives of those they serve, as a result of your generous gifts!

Amazingly, through the limitations of 2020, we have expanded our reach to include more nations that have been out of reach until now. Nations like Libya, Kuwait and Iraq through online training that connects women across cultures and generations. Young women from India connected with women trained in WiW capacity building skills in the Middle East. African and Asian women receive COVID-relief kits and then create their own entrepreneurial outreach.

I could go on and on because there is SO much good news to share in a year that seemingly held only hard, cold and dismal reports. Instead, we invite you to visit our website to see for yourselves the growing numbers of women and girls WiW impacts. Our confident expectation for God’s goodness continues into 2021. And that’s where you come in. Yes, 2020 is almost over and the new year is about to begin.

The needs are growing and with them come key opportunities. Our year-end giving goal of $50,000 will position us to expand our reach higher and further than ever before. Will you help us finish 2020 strong?

Loving Christmas greetings to you and yours,

P.S. Speaking of Christmas greetings, if you haven’t been wished a Merry Christmas in Nepalese, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, or an African dialect, tune in to the first five minutes of our WiW International Christmas Celebration!

Year End Gift

Watch Christmas Greetings Here

in the fullness of time

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