As 9/11 approaches, we want to include you in a very special opportunity to join with Women in the Window for our Annual Night of Prayer as we pray for nations across the globe, including our very own. You are welcome to join us in person, but if you prefer, you can easily join us on Facebook Live as well. And if you need a reminder about the value of prayer, just pause and think about these 9 times Jesus stopped to PRAY.
- At His baptism. Luke 3:21-22
- Early in the morning. Mark 1:35
- After healing people, as He slipped away to be alone. Luke 5:16
- All night before choosing His 12 apostles. Luke 6:12-13
- Before feeding the 5,000. Matthew 14:19
- Before walking on water. Mark 6:46
- As He healed a man who was both deaf and mute. Mark 7:33-34
- At the Transfiguration. Luke 9:28-29
- As seventy disciples returned from their ministry journey with a fruitful report. Luke 10:21-22
And this is just a partial list, not even including the prayer that raised Lazarus from the dead; laying hands of prayer and blessing on the children; for His people to be one even as He is one with His Father, plus His prayers during passion week as He agonized in the garden, and from the cross. Prayer was the lifeline of our Lord Jesus Christ, and because of Him, it can be ours as well.
I hope you will join our 9/11 Night of Prayer at 7pm EDT:
In person: Church in the Gardens, 3837 Holly Dr., Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Online: Women in the Window Facebook Live
Joyfully Seeking Him with you,
P.S. Next week we will look at eleven ways we are transformed when we PRAY!
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18