Africa Team Home Rejoicing

Africa Team Home Rejoicing!

Our Women in the Window International team is home rejoicing. They completed the Training of Trainers with micro-enterprise lessons, and then the ladies they trained took it to other women who will in turn train others (2 Timothy 2:2). Each WiW training lesson includes Scripture appropriately placed to emphasize the truths being taught. In addition, each day includes one of the 3 windows of WiW inductive narrative Bible study as we observe, interpret and apply the biblical truths demonstrated in the life of a woman in the Bible.

Africa Team Home Rejoicing

Thank you SO much for your faithful prayer support throughout the trip and training. If you’d like to stay connected with WiW as we continue to equip and empower women, replacing poverty and injustice with dignity and purpose in Christ, sign up HERE.

Here’s a final word from our dynamic West Africa training team:

“Today was the pivotal moment to see whether what the attendees learned at the conference actually STUCK and if they were in turn able to teach others!

At 9 am we were piled into a typical African bus…. colourful church slogan on the side, right front door that needed a vicious slam to close, and all of us, literally squished into place. Thank goodness, as seatbelts didn’t exist. Oh yes, and there was only a high step up into the cabin, so those women wearing the traditional tight skirts did a sideways hop, praying to nail the first rung!

We bounced gamely along, knowing that the trip was a short one to the church Centre.  Amazing, there were women who gathered for the training!  When the word goes out in Africa, we know it’s really by mouth, not an email blast.

We set our new trainers free to do their rotations. What is Microenterprise, Promotion and Marketing,  Price and Profit, and Mapping! They did it!  They shaped the nuggets of the four lessons into their contextual teaching and spiced the content with their understanding.  After each lesson there were questions and answers!

I would say the teaching was a success. First, transferring and raising their vision as trainers, and then the trainers training the successive generation.

We had an absolute blast. A lot of hard work, yet we served with the mind of Christ towards this new level of WiW Training of Trainers . . . a totally harmonious time with one another on our team and women from 5 African nations.”

Toni, Connie and Mindy

Africa Team Home Rejoicing

Become A Sponsor

It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

women in the window