Celebrate Women; Jesus Did!

AfricanWomansowingseedMarch 8th marks International Women’s Day, where, in many nations around the world, the contributions of women are marked with celebration and commemoration. This may not seem necessary in some nations, the United States being one of them, because the horrific plight of women is most acute in nations throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

But our Father God celebrates women and even calls our creation, “Very good!”  And Jesus marked His ministry by the inclusion of women, the defense of women, and the joy of women following Him all the way to the Cross and then waiting with fear and expectation at the Garden Tomb. Yes, women were the last at the Cross and the first at the Resurrection!

Our mission is to see women in developing nations and dire situations, where oppression and injustices prevail, become beautifully equipped and wholly empowered by Grace.  Please click here to read a disturbing factual account about Trokosi slave girls in West Africa, which will help you to better understand why we do what we do.  Women in the Window International strategically partners with women in West Africa to address their plight through equipping, empowering, and the encouragement that only comes through true religion (see James 1:27).

Rejoice with us:

Micro-enterprise training has produced fruit in the lives of West African women leaders, lifting them from poverty and despair.  One young woman leader, Edna, is setting up her own training center to train 10 additional women each year with professional skills and tools for knowing and applying the Bible!

We will take another group of women leaders through the Women’s Cycle of Life health training of trainers this coming April in the Gambia.  Women from 7 nations are invited to participate in Ghana, and plans for these same women leaders to conduct a follow-up training in Togo are in full swing.

Pray with us:

Women in the Window inductive narrative Bible training curriculum is being finalized this month.  Pray for the final editing process to be complete and for the finished product to be of great use to further God’s Kingdom and serve women throughout the world.

Funding needs to be met for 70 women leaders from 7 nations to receive biblical, health and micro-enterprise training in the Gambia and Togo in late April and early May.  Pray for our team of trainers, Jackie, Sherri, and Kim, along with the African women leaders with whom we partner and co-teach.

Most of all, please join us in prayer that God’s Word will permeate the worldview of many nations, including our own, so that we can fulfill the Great Commission with Great Commandment love for the Lord and one another… together as men and women!

In Christ’s Love and Service,

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It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

women in the window