Women in the Window International is in the business of sowing seeds into the lives of widows in some of the most difficult and dangerous places on earth.
The seeds that we sow are seeds of Truth from God’s Word coupled with practical and life-changing skills. Depending on their circumstances, the women we partner with have been known to yield amazing results.
God is love. And Jesus is God in the flesh. As He walked, talked, served and taught, the love of God flowed from His life and teaching in beautiful and life-changing ways.
Jesus often taught using parables, or stories with a hidden meaning. One of His best known parables is found in Mark 4 and describes a sower, or a farmer, and explains the obstacles he faced in planting, and harvesting a fruitful crop. At the end of the parable, we learn that different seeds yielded different results. In fact, the difference between them was exponential as some yielded 30, others 60, but still others 100 times as much as was planted. What an incredible blessing for the farmer—
“And other seeds fell into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” Mark 4:8 ESV
Such is the case with the widows of East Africa. One of our newest ministry partners is a brand-new ministry serving widows and enabling them to bring transformation to their own lives, families and communities. Last November we trained 30 widows with biblically-based business start-up skills. These same widows are now prepared to take this training to at least 70 more widows in February, yielding a hundredfold harvest of changed lives and thriving communities.
Will you help us as we enter into this new phase of our partnership? By investing 30, 60, or 100 dollars into Women in the Window’s widow partnership this month, you will enable us to bring the Love of Christ in tangible ways to these widows who are prepared and poised to yield a hundredfold harvest!
Give your “love offering” this Valentine’s month by giving online womeninthewindow-intl.org or sending a check to: Women in the Window International, 2101 Vista Parkway, Suite 253, West Palm Beach, FL 33411