Kim, Tune In! Look Up! Reach Out!


One of the saddest things about COVID-19, in my humble opinion, is the way this disease has separated us from one another. Social distancing has become emotional distancing in many cases. We cover our faces and smiles are barely visible. When we see someone coming close to us, we move away.

Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand the significance of this virus and respect its ability to shorten the lives of those who contract it with compromised immune systems and other health concerns. I respect the CDC rules and follow them. But that doesn’t mean that I like them.

In spite of this time of separation, we, at Women in the Window International, would like to invite you to connect with us more deeply than ever before as together we:

Tune in! Unlike any other time in history, we have the ability to tune in together in “real time” as we connect across cultures and generations! Here’s how to join our WiW Open Windows Virtual Celebration on Facebook or YouTube, Thursday, July 16th at 7 p.m. ET in the USA:


Look up to the LORD Jesus Christ for His protection and His provision during these days of confinement. God is not limited by COVID-19 or any other challenge that we face here on Earth. Together, let’s “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens…” Isaiah 40:26. God hears our cries and will NOT disappoint us!


Reach out—share this invitation with friends and family. The stories and testimonies you will hear, see, and experience from Africa, Asia, America and the Middle East are life-changing & deeply encouraging.

For more information visit our WEBSITE.

Rejoicing in Him,

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It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

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