Learning from Dorcas

We are rejoicing over this update from the team in West Africa:

“We have finished with the health training and the women spent the day doing student teaching yesterday. It was challenging, but they were encouraged by having the opportunity to train others and to practice teaching.

The women have learned so much through the WiW Inductive bible study of the story of Dorcas. Specifically, about how we each have specific gifts for which we can serve the Lord and that we can express our faith through our work in the kingdom of God. Their eyes are opening to how much the Lord has gifted them and that He desires for them to go out and serve by doing outreach to other women in the communities and unreached villages.

Tomorrow the team will be going to a nearby village for an outreach with a community with lepers who have been cured. Most of the community are not believers. The women who have spent this week learning how to train will now be leading this outreach and teaching about handwashing, nutrition, menopause, and malaria. This outreach will be unique in that they will teach nutrition with real foods from the market and one of the teachers is a public health nurse who will teach on malaria. Some of the women will lead a time of worship and be in prayer teams to pray of the women in the outreach.”

Please pray for a fruitful time as the West African women lead the outreach in the village.

Yours Because I’m His,

Kim on behalf of Jackie, Ila, & Mindy

P.S. Stay tuned for an update from the Village outreach

Become A Sponsor

It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

women in the window