Passing The Baton In Africa

Passing The Baton In Africa

Dear Praying Friends,

This week has just flown by as the Trainer of Trainer’s has finished and we jumped into the different sections of micro-enterprise!

On Monday, Dayo, an African ministry leader known and trusted by Women in the Window, led off on a fascinating discourse about local sustainability for ministries. Mindy tackled a very big concept in the Science of Training, Connie the Art of Training,  then Toni followed up with the Spiritual Component of Training. As you knew, this was the big roll out of this study. Even though we were teaching in new waters, it was really interesting to actually present it at long last.

Passing The Baton In Africa

Biblical Women in Business was a wonderful affirmation of the value and the gifts the Lord has given women. Defining micro-enterprise was a familiar concept to the women – start small with what you have and with where you are.  Basing this on the Bible and seeing how the Lord uses businesses in women’s lives to bless their families and their communities was a precious affirmation for them. The Importance of Planning came next. When Toni was drawing the speed bumps on the paper, going off the road with her car, and coming to a dead end, the lightbulb went on with a lot of the women. Dayo, said :”if you fail to plan, your plans will fail.”

Mindy taught Marketing and of course, the concept of the four legged chair: “Product, Price, Promotion, and Place!”  She taped each component to a leg of the chair and put it up on the table. No missing that lesson! Then the lesson that most of us totally avoid …Pricing and Profit came next. Connie had drawn the entire pricing sheet ahead of time. You should have seen the eyes of the women widen when they looked at that!  But Connie, in her winsome manner, calmed the storm and by the end, made the list look so logical, that everyone wondered why they were so intimidated!

We had a foot washing ceremony this afternoon anointing our African sisters to be ”goers and doers of the Word”. It’s our turn to pass the batons to our students, who are stepping up to be multipliers of what they have learned from Women in the Window International. This is our 5th training here.  Thursday, we are leaving the compound at 9 o’clock and heading over to a local church in HO. We are to meet a group of women for our students to practice transferring what they have learned the last three days!

Every morning has started with songs of praise and thanksgiving. Every day We have done an inductive Bible study. At dinner time there’s lots of talk around the tables about how wonderful is the Spirit of Unity. Thank you for sending us through your prayers and offerings, we have definitely been blessed to be here.

Love to all of you from Africa,
Mindy, Connie, and Toni Lee

Passing The Baton In Africa

Passing The Baton In Africa

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It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

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