Praises and Prayers from West Africa Team

jackie9Greetings from Spain!  We (Jackie Hilliard and I) arrived safely here on Monday, while Genevieve Caron arrived safely back in the US that same day.  Before we parted ways, we spent time together rejoicing over the multiplied blessings and answered prayers from this past week of ministry and training with our sisters and brothers in Ho, Ghana!

It was truly a wonderful week, and we were blessed by their enthusiasm and zeal for the Lord.  The women eagerly embraced the training and presented their own business plans at the end of our time together.  Together, our team feels blessed that God gave us this tremendous opportunity to share His love and spread His Word among the women leaders from West Africa!


  • Elizabeth, our ministry partner in Ghana, and her outstanding team of trainers worked diligently throughout the training to both learn and teach the micro-enterprise community development tools as well as the Women in the Window inductive Bible study materials.
  • We experienced true agape love for one another as women from several tribes and nations of West Africa came together to learn, grow, and praise Christ our Lord!  Each day was punctuated at the beginning and the end with songs and even shouts of praise!
  • Amevivina Care, Elizabeth’s ministry, now has a follow up strategy in place to continue the process of training trainers.
  • In spite of multiple languages being spoken throughout the training, communication was excellent.
  • A strong foundation of community development has been established through excellent communication and mutually beneficial goals for all concerned.

Prayer Requests:

  • Voodoo, occult practices, and animism is prevalent in this part of West Africa.  Pray that the Lord will protect Christians and provide ways for them to overcome through effective spiritual warfare and increased biblical understanding.
  • Pray for Elizabeth, her team, and all involved, that they will rest following this intense week and have increased wisdom, strength, and joy to fulfill their ministry in West Africa and beyond.
  • Pray that together with our ministry partners, Women in the Window will be able to equip women with all that is needed to replace poverty and injustice with dignity and purpose in Christ!
  • Please pray for Kim and Jackie as they complete their week in Spain where mission agencies have gathered from around the world.

Thank you so much for your prayers for the amazing work that God is doing in West Africa, Spain, and around the world!

In Christ’s love and joy,

Become A Sponsor

It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

women in the window