Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28
We praise God for the opportunity to serve women throughout the 10/40 Window, including our sisters in India! Our team, which consists of Michelle McCormick, Diane Serrano, Chelsey Howden, and Dr. Peggy Banks, will depart the US tomorrow to equip women leaders in Mumbai and Gujarat, India.
Our team will lead an “Image of Hope” seminar with Oasis India staff and Dr. Peggy Banks will facilitate the seminar which focuses on the Care and Counsel of Jesus. This seminar will offer respite for leaders working in various capacities to combat the oppression and sexual exploitation of women and children. In addition to the seminar, Women in the Window inductive Bible study, Community Health Evangelism (CHE), and “Image of Hope” Training of Trainers will be offered through breakout sessions to supply these leaders with new tools for serving those under their care.
In cooperation with Evangelical Fellowship of India, our team will provide spiritual formation training for 50 women leaders. Our objective is to provide these leaders with Bible study and disciple-making tools designed to help women better grasp their unique role in the eyes of God and in their own community, equipping them to gain a deeper understanding of their value and dignity through God’s Word. They will study the life of Deborah and note how the slavery and oppression of God’s people was overcome through the life of one courageous and obedient woman of God.
Travel & Training Dates
- January 30 Team members depart for Mumbai
- February 1 Worship, prayer, and preparation
- February 2-4 “Image of Hope” seminar/training in Mumbai
- February 5 Visit Oasis India field programs, travel to Gujarat
- February 6-8 Training in Gujarat
- February 9-10 Return to Mumbai for team debriefing
- February 11 Team members depart for US
- Pray for wisdom as final preparations are made, including timely and effective translation of training materials.
- Pray for safety in travel, good health, and that all luggage and training materials will arrive without delay.
- Pray that the trainings will “equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:12) and that they will be reproducible and sustainable.
- Pray that our team will impart spiritual gifts that bring healing, hope, and strength to the women; that we will be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith (Romans 1:11-12).
In Christ’s love and joy,