Thank you for stepping up…

Thank you for stepping up…

…so we can step in!

Happy Independence Day for all in the United States of America! Despite the turmoil in our great nation right now, I am still so proud to be born in America. In this land of the home of the free and the brave we have the freedom to develop better ways to connect across cultures and generations: to be BETTER TOGETHER.

This week as we celebrate our independence, we want to thank you for stepping up to help women in the 10/40 window find their independence from poverty and injustice. Because you step up to help WiW, we can step into the lives of women, offering them the help and hope found ONLY in Christ Jesus.

Although our primary focus remains the hearts and minds of women leaders, and our training efforts have increased through online platforms, God’s Word is clear, Remember the poor! (Galatians 2:10)

We at Women in the Window International are eager to do so—here’s how we are stepping in:

In India & Nepal, many are suffering in silence as death tolls rise through poverty and suicide. WiW sent financial support so that our women leaders can assist those who lack daily food and access to running water. Imagine not having water when they need to wash their hands for 20 seconds 10 times a day!

The Middle East is facing financial turmoil because of COVID-19 shutdowns and confinement. WiW provides access to online training for women in positions of influence who help fulfill God’s high and holy calling to train those who will train others (2 Timothy 2:2) in servant leadership and soul care.

Widows in Africa are commonly left with absolutely no means of support following the death of their husbands. They receive micro-business skills that enable them to survive and even thrive as they see themselves as women of dignity and value.

Join us on Thursday, July 16th to hear from more widows, women leaders, and WiW team members and to learn more about how you can step up so that we can step in!


If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:25

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Become A Sponsor

It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

women in the window