The Most Important Thing About You!

A.W. Tozer stated, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” And I wholeheartedly agree! As we begin a new year of ministry together I would like to challenge you to think deeply about the goodness and power of our God. I am convinced that as you do, you will rejoice in His wonders even as Moses did in Exodus 15. Moses had firsthand experience with some of the most dramatic movements of God’s hand on behalf of His people. We may not have the same life experiences, but we serve the very same God: “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” Exodus 15:11

I am convinced that God wants to clearly display His wonders both to us and through us so that we, too, can bring hope to the hopeless, “So the helpless has hope and unrighteousness must shut its mouth.” Job 5:16. Won’t you join me, and all of us at Women in the Window International in 2019 as we endeavor to both enjoy and employ the wonders of our God to fulfill His Great Commission and bring Gospel hope in words and actions to those waiting to hear in Africa, Asia, America and the Middle East?

We welcome you! And here just three of our most pertinent and pressing prayer needs to get us started:

  1. Native American women experience abuse on many levels, with up to 90% reporting domestic and even sexual abuse. How tragic. Our WiW team heads to South Dakota in February to bring a new dimension of hope as they equip a local ministry leader, Dody, to launch a women’s ministry among the Lakota tribe. Kathryn, Marilyn and Amgad welcome your prayers!
  2. Many people in North Africa experience deep trauma as a result of taking a stand for their faith in Christ. Pray for our North African women ministry partners as they meet with our team in a European city to receive trauma healing training. Several of these excellent women leaders will complete trauma healing certification to help other Muslim-background women!
  3. Vision 2025 is unfolding as Koki, our Regional Associate in Asia, increases our impact on India! Pray for our excellent Atlanta-based health team as they prepare to address the physical and spiritual needs of women in mid-March.

Stay tuned for more updates on the way God is expanding our borders through our ministry in these locations and throughout the 10/40 window through Vision 2025, our Women in the Window strategic plan!

Last but not least, it’s not too early to Save the Date for our upcoming Spring Luncheon, Wednesday, March 27th at the Beach Club in Palm Beach.  Please mark it on your calendar and plan to celebrate His wonderful works in some very creative ways that promise to expand your horizons!

Become A Sponsor

It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

women in the window