Until We See Him Face to Face

As governments continue to attempt to protect us from the impending (and very real!) dangers of the Middle East Islamic movement, only God can truly make us free…free indeed.  While I spent last week with women, and men, from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, I was continually reminded of the New Testament times when believers were more accountable and lived holy lives, never knowing when Christ would return or when persecution would call them home.  So it is today in the MENA nations!

God is actively at work in this part of the world.  In spite of ISIS, and the evil one who is working overtime to steal, kill, and destroy, many are coming to Christ throughout the Muslim world.  A former Islamic terrorist, now a Christian, gave his testimony of how the prayers of a man, whose leg and arm he broke as an act of terrorist persecution, won him to Christ.  The guilt and shame that ensued broke him and gave him a broken and contrite heart!  And today he is boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in the Muslim world.

Some have said that ISIS is actually signing a death warrant for Islam, and the powerful testimony of this man – and many others just like him – does indicate a real shift. Moderate and nominal Muslims never really understood the realities of the Islamic religion and the teachings of the Koran and Hadith.  They know now and see it full blown in ISIS.  As a result, they are departing from their “religion” and seeking to know what to do and how to really live.

Christians who are praying, serving, and caring for them as individuals and families are making a difference.  And women are a key part of this process!  Women disciple the next generation and reach other women – the heart of the home and society!  Please continue in prayer that the women leaders in the MENA region who we are training and empowering will know who they are in God’s loving eyes.  Pray for all that He has in mind to be fulfilled…until we see Him face to face!

Also, please remember me in your prayers as I travel home.  I have two flights today, will overnight in Europe alone, and have one flight tomorrow before arriving back in West Palm Beach.  I leave this gathering of MENA leaders with renewed confidence that God’s Kingdom is truly going forward in strength (Matthew 11:12)!

Yours because I’m His,

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It is with great pleasure that we announce our Savor Tea and Luncheon, to be held at the Kravis Center on Friday, November 15, 2024. Consider becoming a sponsor!

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